Magandang Balita Biblia: Deuterocanonical | MBB | Old and New Testament | Hardbound Cover | Big Size | Thumb Index | Catholic Bible | Tagalog Bible | Biblia | Filipino Language


Magandang Balita Biblia:MBB12TAG053DC
Hardbound, Deuterocanonical, MBB, Old and New Testament, Philippine Bible Society, Catholic Bible, Tagalog Bible, Biblia, Gift for housewarming, Gift for anniversary, Deuterocanonical, Wedding Bible, Spiritual Book, Big Bible, Big size bible, Deuterocanonical bible, Easy to understand bible, Cheap Bible

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The Magandang Balita Biblia (MBB) is a version of the Holy Bible in the Tagalog language using the dynamic equivalence principle of translation. This translation approach gives more attention to the meaning of the original languages rather than their form.

The result is a version that is easy to read and understand, but faithful to the meaning of the original biblical texts. The MBB is translated from the Hebrew and Greek textual bases which are recognized by many scholars worldwide as the best and most-trusted bases for translation.

In this light, readers are assured that the Magandang Balita Biblia version of the Holy Bible is a faithful, understandable, and contextually appropriate translation.

Catholic Edition

Big size MBB12TAG053 DC
Product Dimensions:
Height- 8.5 inches
Length- 5.7 inches
Width- 1.7 inches


Meaning based translation, catholic hardbound bible

Additional information

Weight1 kg


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