New Living Translation

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    Christian Standard Bible


    Christian Standard Bible

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    The Holy Bible/New Living Translation (Parallel) | ESV | NLT | Flex Cover | Green | Big Size


    This ESV-NLT parallel edition is an effective scripture material for those who want to go into a deeper and clearer study of the Word of God. The ESV (form-based translation) retains the form of the original Biblical languages while the NLT(meaning-based translation) uncovers the meaning of the original Biblical languages. This edition will help modern readers to easily understand the meaning of passages in the Bible.

    This scripture material features footnotes and cross-references, table of weights and measures, concordance, and book introductions.

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    The Holy Bible/New Living Translation (Parallel) | ESV | NLT | Flex Cover | Black | Big Size


    This ESV-NLT parallel edition is an effective scripture material for those who want to go into a deeper and clearer study of the Word of God. The ESV (form-based translation) retains the form of the original Biblical languages while the NLT(meaning-based translation) uncovers the meaning of the original Biblical languages. This edition will help modern readers to easily understand the meaning of passages in the Bible.

    This scripture material features footnotes and cross-references, table of weights and measures, concordance, and book introductions.

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  • 0 out of 5

    The Holy Bible/New Living Translation (Parallel) | ESV | NLT | Flex Cover | Red | Big Size


    This ESV-NLT parallel edition is an effective scripture material for those who want to go into a deeper and clearer study of the Word of God. The ESV (form-based translation) retains the form of the original Biblical languages while the NLT(meaning-based translation) uncovers the meaning of the original Biblical languages. This edition will help modern readers to easily understand the meaning of passages in the Bible.

    This scripture material features footnotes and cross-references, table of weights and measures, concordance, and book introductions.

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  • 0 out of 5

    The Holy Bible/New Living Translation (Parallel) | ESV | NLT | Flex Cover | Blue | Big Size


    This ESV-NLT parallel edition is an effective scripture material for those who want to go into a deeper and clearer study of the Word of God. The ESV (form-based translation) retains the form of the original Biblical languages while the NLT(meaning-based translation) uncovers the meaning of the original Biblical languages. This edition will help modern readers to easily understand the meaning of passages in the Bible.

    This scripture material features footnotes and cross-references, table of weights and measures, concordance, and book introductions.

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  • 0 out of 5

    The Holy Bible/New Living Translation (Parallel) | ESV | NLT | Flex Cover | White | Big Size


    This ESV-NLT parallel edition is an effective scripture material for those who want to go into a deeper and clearer study of the Word of God. The ESV (form-based translation) retains the form of the original Biblical languages while the NLT(meaning-based translation) uncovers the meaning of the original Biblical languages. This edition will help modern readers to easily understand the meaning of passages in the Bible.

    This scripture material features footnotes and cross-references, table of weights and measures, concordance, and book introductions.

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